Bridge the staffing gap while establishing a seamless transition plan and hiring strategy to recruit, appoint, and onboard a successful new CDO.


Solidify your fundraising structure and identify unrealized opportunities with an analysis of what is working, what is marginal, and what is needed to reach increased philanthropic success.


Help leaders make informed decisions about their teams. Identify areas of strength and weakness; maximize utilization of all members of the team.



Empower frontline staff, boards, and volunteers to reach goals with detailed training sessions and one on one coaching to get the best from all members of your team.


Assist team members to enhance philanthropic engagement. Support includes work on stewardship, fundraising strategy, cultivation of donors, and solicitation of gifts.



A Chief Development Officer transition is an opportunity for your fundraising program. During your search for new leadership, MENA will provide interim support and counsel to lead your existing team and volunteers, and ensure your fundraising program continues to meet critical objectives and goals. Additionally, our interim leadership support will help you determine the right next leader to fill this critically important position on your executive team.  We will assist with an extensive internal organizational review of your development needs; a deep analysis of the current team; and assessment of the operating environment will be conducted.  This will form the basis for  a successful recruitment of a permanent leader who will the optimal organizational fit.  The new hire can build off the advance work of the interim leader provided by MENA, thereby ensuring early success and sustainability. An opportunity for partnership between MENA leadership and the new CDO hire will provide a seamless leadership transition, thus providing the future candidate with greater opportunity for immediate impact.